

If you would like to contribute to Birdwatcher, please follow the Style Guide conventions for consistency of code and documentation.

Style guide

Here, you can find a description of the code and documentation conventions used throughout Birdwatcher.

In general, we follow the standard Python style conventions for our code:

The documentation of Birdwatcher (see is written in re-structured text (reST) syntax and is rendered using Sphinx.

For more precise docstring conventions, we follow the Docstring Standard of Numpy. Also, see below for some highlighted information and examples.

Docstring Parameters

In the parameter description of the docstring, specify behind each parameter its type. Add whether a keyword parameter is optional. Optional parameters always have default values.

The default value can be described in several ways:

  1. For more simple, straightforward default values, add default=value instead of optional, behind the type description. See color and reportprogress in the example.
  2. Describe the default value in the detailed description of parameter if more information is necessary. Make sure to also add optional behind the type description. See ffmpegpath in the example.
  3. Use optional when the default value would not be used as value. See startat and nframes in the example.

An example:

def iter_frames(self, startat=None, nframes=None, color=True,
                ffmpegpath='ffmpeg', reportprogress=False):
    """Iterate over frames in video.

    startat : str, optional
        If specified, start at this time point in the video file. You
        can use two different time unit formats: sexagesimal
        (HOURS:MM:SS.MILLISECONDS, as in 01:23:45.678), or in seconds.
    nframes  : int, optional
        Read a specified number of frames.
    color : bool, default=True
        Read as a color frame (3 dimensional) or as a gray frame (2
    ffmpegpath : str or pathlib.Path, optional
        Path to ffmpeg executable. Default is `ffmpeg`, which means it
        should be in the system path.
    reportprogress : bool, default=False

        Iterator that generates numpy array frames (height x width x color
